Quick Improv
5 Basic Improv
Backstage Improv
Theater Improv
Bring Your Own Improv
Sacramento Theater Improv
Random Improv Scene Generator
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Must Can't
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Love Letter
What's in the box?
5 second summary
One minute Debates
Backstage Improv
Theater Improv
Bring Your Own Improv
Sacramento Theater Improv
Random Improv Scene Generator
Yes And!
Must Can't
Higher Rank
Questions Only
Love Letter
What's in the box?
5 second summary
One minute Debates
How Fast can you type?
Words, Words, Words

Pixar's Rules of Storytelling

Your greatest moments will be moments of great writing.
IXL login Here

Watch Your Thoughts
“Watch your thoughts,
they become words;
watch your words,
they become actions;
watch your actions,
they become habits;
watch your habits,
they become character;
watch your character,
for it becomes your destiny.”
-Lao Tzu
they become words;
watch your words,
they become actions;
watch your actions,
they become habits;
watch your habits,
they become character;
watch your character,
for it becomes your destiny.”
-Lao Tzu
Live stream of the writing process
What Should I Write About?
Highly creative writing/story prompts from reddit.
The random prompt generator, which you can make work.
Another Random Prompt Generator
Prompts and the 1000 story contest at BLUEFIRE
Writing is a Virus
Prompts galore at reedsy prompts
Definition, Example, Description, Analogy, Compare Contrast, Process: Ways to Develop your ideas in writing
The random prompt generator, which you can make work.
Another Random Prompt Generator
Prompts and the 1000 story contest at BLUEFIRE
Writing is a Virus
Prompts galore at reedsy prompts
Definition, Example, Description, Analogy, Compare Contrast, Process: Ways to Develop your ideas in writing
Writers Required Viewing
whatever you do, do it like Nandi plays drums
Where do you get your news?
Baloney Detection:
Recommended Reading
Terrific Personal Essays at The Rumpus
The Importance of Reading and the 5 Hour Rule
The Loss of vivid, exacting language diminishes our world
How I Became An Artist
How to Write a Book
Advice from the best selling author
Automatic Weapons and the Los Vegas Shooter
Rethinking Schools
20 Brutal Truths
Another Gun Death
a great poem
McSweeney's Internet Tendency
Malcolm Gladwell's New Yorker Essays
Billy Collins' Poem for every School Day
This is indexed
Great Essays at Brevity
WATCH POEMS at Poetry Everywhere
The 100 Most Beautiful Words
The Importance of Reading and the 5 Hour Rule
The Loss of vivid, exacting language diminishes our world
How I Became An Artist
How to Write a Book
Advice from the best selling author
Automatic Weapons and the Los Vegas Shooter
Rethinking Schools
20 Brutal Truths
Another Gun Death
a great poem
McSweeney's Internet Tendency
Malcolm Gladwell's New Yorker Essays
Billy Collins' Poem for every School Day
This is indexed
Great Essays at Brevity
WATCH POEMS at Poetry Everywhere
The 100 Most Beautiful Words
The 7 skills
you need for
your job today
The Inventory Channel:

Language Arts 101

The Chatbot Revolution
The 6 Greatest Ted Talks
Tim Urban: Inside the Mind of Master Procrastinator 14 min
Amy Cuddy: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are
21 min
21 min
Julian Treasure: How to Speak So People Will Want to Listen 10 min
Robert Waldinger: What Makes a Good Life 12 min
The Puzzle of Motivation by Daniel Pink 18 Min
How Great Leaders Inspire Action 18 Min
The Art of the Speech
Your success is directly attributable to how you communicate. Do follow these rules!
Looking for knowledge in order to change the world? That's called

Start your brainstorming map of any topic at INSTAGROK
Looking for vetted, relevant source material?
First, go to Infohio gateway
use CTA's username and password.
Then click on EBSCO
First, go to Infohio gateway
use CTA's username and password.
Then click on EBSCO

Research 101
Contests and Places to Publish
The Bigboard
What are
schools for?

Hemingway editor
Just copy and paste your essay and bam! the Hemingway Editor identifies common weaknesses, such as unnecessary adverbs or lack of clarity.