The Baseball Page
Official tutorial center for the Torah Academy Lions Baseball Club. Go Lions!
Head down. Hands in. Rotate hips. Balance.

Instructions for hitting, in one picture:

here are ten drills you can ALWAYS DO
applying the tag:
How to Build Confidence, Zero Talent required
- work ethic
-daily habits
- growth mindset
- positive self-talk
-persistence & resilience
(in baseball and life)
-daily habits
- growth mindset
- positive self-talk
-persistence & resilience
(in baseball and life)
pitchers watch this sequence:
follow Brent Pourciau at Topvelocity for more like these
Catcher training:
watch a game and complete this form for Lion Club
Other Lion Club Requirements.
Lion Club is about achieving long term goals. Work hard. Learn the game. The G of GBW.
1. Performance goals. i.e. executing in a game
2. Attend practice/open hitting/lunch BP--demonstrate growth!--follow the chart in the gym.
3. Learn the game. See above chart.
4. Give a tutorial--either schedule during practice, or share your learned skill anytime--lunch, before practice, etc.
5. Support teammates in achieving their goals.
Lion Club is about achieving long term goals. Work hard. Learn the game. The G of GBW.
1. Performance goals. i.e. executing in a game
2. Attend practice/open hitting/lunch BP--demonstrate growth!--follow the chart in the gym.
3. Learn the game. See above chart.
4. Give a tutorial--either schedule during practice, or share your learned skill anytime--lunch, before practice, etc.
5. Support teammates in achieving their goals.